Services For Employees

GROW Program

Our GROW Coaching program is designed to assist you to determine the best path forward and to define your commitment to working on it.

CV and Letter Writing

Once you have competed the GROW Program we’ll help you with determining which roles to apply for and how to present the best version of yourself.

Other Assistance

From interview to placement and beyond. We will work with your prospective employer prior to interview and with your employer after your placement

Services For Job Seekers and employees

Support to Stay with Your Employer or To Seek a New Employer

Over the years, TEPA has assisted many trans people in preparing for their first jobs, staying with their employers while coming out and seeking new employment.

We know from personal experience just how scary it is to come out to your employer. We also know that when you do, many are much more supportive than you could ever have imagined.

Whatever you ultimately do, we’re hear to help you get through the difficult times to build a new future.

We do ask however that you give as much as you take. When you transition, you become, we believe the real, better version of you, that can take some learning and commitment. Our workplace and job seeker coaching program asks that you put in the work to determine you goals, define your reality, note the obstacles and opportunities, and work to put in the effort to get there.

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